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A simple Discord bot for playing several minigames written in JavaScript.

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Invite this bot to play simple games like blackjack, war, battleship, and rock, paper, scissors. Created by ArjhanToteck.

!bs: this command will start a game of battleship.
!bs stop: this command will end an active game of battleship.

!bj: this command will start a game of blackjack.
!bj stop: this command will end an active game of blackjack.

!help: this command will show you a simplified version of this list of commands.

!rps: this command will start a game of rock, paper, scissors.
!rps stop: this command will end an active game of rock, paper, scissors.

!war: this command will start a game of war. Parameters: optionally, you can type !war capture or !war kill to play different versions of war. If no parameter is sent, the game will be set to kill mode.
!war stop: this command will end an active game of war.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.