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A cool multipurpose bot with commands for moderation, utility, fun, memes, animals, and much more!

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Moderation Commands:

  • e.ban | Bans a member from the server
  • e.kick | Kicks a member from the server
  • e.userinfo | Displays a users info
  • e.serverinfo | Displays the info of a server
  • e.channelinfo | Displays the info of the channel you mention. If you don’t specify a channel, it will tell you the info of the channel you are currently in.
  • e.roleinfo | Displays a roles info
  • e.warn | Sends a DM to the person saying that they have been warned. You can also specify a reason.
  • e.softban | Ban and immediate unban to delete user messages
  • e.banlist | Displays all the bans in a server
  • e.clear | Deletes messages in bulk. Default is 5 messages
  • e.avatar | Displays a users avatar

Useful Commands:

  • e.update | Displays the update log for EXO’s newest update
  • e.ping | Displays the latency of EXO
  • e.exoinfo | Displays the info of EXO
  • e.help | Displays all the the commands
  • e.invite | Displays the invite link of EXO
  • e.website | Displays the website link
  • e.support | Displays the support server invite
  • e.report | Used if you want to report a member for misusing EXO or you want to report a bug
  • e.roles | Displays all the roles in a server
  • e.greentext | Makes the text you provide green
  • e.redtext | Makes the text you provide red
  • e.yellowtext | Makes the text you provide yellow
  • e.orangetext | Makes the text you provide orange
  • e.bluetext | Makes the text you provide blue

Fun Commands:

  • e.hack | “Hacks” a member
  • e.howocol | Tells you how cool you or a member is
  • e.coinflip | Tells you heads or tails
  • e.8ball | Performs exactly like a magic 8 ball
  • e.help other | Displays the other commands.
  • e.say| Tells EXO to say something
  • e.spoiler | Makes the text that you provide a spoiler
  • e.showerthoughts | Displays showerthoughts

Math Commands:

  • e.add | Adds 2 numbers and gives you the answer
  • e.sub | Subtracts 2 numbers and gives you the answer
  • e.multi | Multiplys 2 numbers and gives you the answer
  • e.div | Divides 2 numbers and gives you the answer
  • e.sqrt | Square roots a number and gives you the answer

Meme Commands:

  • e.meme | Displays a random meme
  • e.dankmeme | Displays a random dank meme
  • e.discordmeme | Displays a random discord meme
  • e.wholesomememe | Displays a random wholesome meme
  • e.cleanmeme | Displays a random clean meme
  • e.facepalm | Displays a random facepalm moment
  • e.perfecttiming | Displays a random perfect timing picture

Animal Commands:

  • e.aww | Displays a random cute photo of an animal
  • e.dog | Displays a random photo of a dog
  • e.cat | Displays a random photo of a cat
  • e.bird | Displays a random photo of a bird
  • e.hamster | Displays a random photo of a hamster
  • e.snake | Displays a random photo of a snake

News Commands:

  • e.politics | Displays the latest political news
  • e.news | Displays the latest news
  • e.worldnews | Displays the latest world news
  • e.coronavirus | Displays the latest Covid-19 News
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.