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420 Empire is a game where you role play as a weed dealer. Grow weed, deal weed, raid friends :)

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420 Empire

Come play 420 empire and grow the largest weed business known to man. Start by picking up a supply from your plug, grow your own, and push mad weight on the streets. The more you sell the more houses you can afford, cars you can buy, and friends you can put out of business.

Just add the bot to any server that you have admin access to, and once you can see the bot in the online members get started with 420 Empire.


Starting out

profile, weed, seeds, cooldowns, growhouse, commands, leaderboard, gunsafe, balance

mule, plant, water, harvest, raid, deal, smoke

plug, buy

dealership, realestate, smokeshop, blackmarket

vote, daily, weekly

dice, coinflip, deathroll

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Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.