Logo for Micro

Upvote Micro

A multi purpose discord bot which includes moderation, fun commands, logging, etc.

Back to Micro


setprefix - Set the prefix of the server.

announce - Announce something with Micro.

lockdown - Locks down the current channel.

unlockdown - Unlocks the current channel.

kick - Kicks the specified user.

ban - Bans the specified user.

mute - Mutes the specified user.

unmute - Unmutes the specified user.

purge - Purges the chat.

s-announce - Staff-announce something with Micro.

say - Say something with Micro.

Role Management

addrole - Adds a role to the specified user.

removerole - Removes a role from the specified user.

createrole - Creates the specified role.

delrole - Deletes the specified role.

roleinfo - Gives role info about the specified role.

Channel Management

createchannel - Creates the specified channel.

delchannel - Deletes the specified channel. (without #)

channelname - Changes the current channel name.

channeltopic - Changes the current channel topic.

Server Infomation

prefix - See the prefix of the server.

serverinfo - Gives you the server info.

servericon - Gives you the server icon.

membercount - Gives you the membercount.

invites - Gives you all of the invites of the server.

Bot Infomation

botinfo - Gives you info about the bot.

stats - Gives you stats about the bot.

uptime - Gives you the uptime of the bot.

help - Gives you help about the bot.

ping - Checks the ping of the bot.


encode - Encodes specified message.

decode - Decodes your encoded message.

remind - Set a reminder.

qrcreate - Creates a QR-code for you.

hastebin - Creates a hastebin link for you.


verify - Verifies you into the server.

rbx-verify - ROBLOX verify yourself.

s-verify - A command which staff can use to verify mentioned users.

User Interaction

avatar - Shows you the avatar of mentioned user.

userinfo - Gives you the user info about mentioned user.

spotify - Shows you what mentioned user is listening to on Spotify.


daily - Claim your daily reward.

work - Work and get rewarded.

slots - Slots, get lucky or unlucky.

bal - Shows your balance.

crime - Do a crime, get lucky or unlucky.

pay - Pay mentioned user a cash amount.


8ball - Ask the 8ball a question.

discrim - Get members with the specified discriminator.

advice - Get some good life advice.

cat - Shows you a picture of a cat.

crab - Gives you a link to crab rave.

dog - Shows you a picture of a dog.

dice - Roll a dice.

furry - Shows the percentage of your furryness.

gay - Shows the percentage of your gayness.

insult - Insults the mentioned user.

meme - Shows you a random meme.

pat - Pats the mentioned user.

thot - Shows the percentage of your thotness.

weeb - Shows the percentage of your weebness.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.