deleted_user_f1d7039d39e7 Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user_f1d7039d39e7 Discord Bot

Invite Banana Bot to your server and enjoy its 300+ commands, moderation, image manipulation and music features! Discord bot made easy.

0 upvotes in January

deleted_user_f1d7039d39e7 Discord Bot Described:

Multipurpose bot with over 300 commands and has features like moderation 🚨, image manipulation 🖼 and music 🎶!

BananaBot is an all-in-one bot with over 300 commands and many cool features like: moderation, advanced image manipulation, economy system, radio, music, phoning system, antiraid, chatbot (cleverbot), lots of NSFW commands (can be disabled), starboard system, anime commands, game info commands, minigames (single- and multiplayer!), and much much more!

The bot is also modular so you can disable modules or even single commands if those don’t fit your server genre. (They get hidden from the help command too!)

We also have advanced image manipulation commands that work just like other known bots but have more features like:

  • colorize  (uses AI to colorize images)
  • bobross (make Bob Ross paint your image)
  • And the classic ones like:
  • trigger (makes your image triggered)
  • wanted (makes your image wanted)

If you want to use your avatar’s image you can just add ‘avatar’ after the command!
BananaBot also has many useful moderation features:

  • Antiraid (prevents your server from getting raided)
  • Anti NSFW (uses AI to determine if the image is inappropriate and deletes it)
  • Mute System
  • Timed Ban System

And of course the good old ones like:

  • kick
  • ban
  • clear

We have so many moderation features that they don’t fit here but you can check it out by using the help command in your server!

BananaBot has all the music features that other bots have and even more without any paywall:

  • YouTube play and search (you can play livestreams too!)
  • SoundCloud play and search
  • MP3 play
    -Radio play (listen to radio channels and suggest new ones on the support server!)
    -Full Queue System
  • Bassboost!
  • Volume system!
  • Lyrics (get the lyrics of the current song or input a query!)
  • Playlist system (save playlist and keep them private or make them public!)

You can even change the time of the songs so you can skip to the good bits! Check the other music commands with the help command!

You can modify this bot to fit your needs with it’s many settings!!

We can help you in any bot related problems in the support server and you can even suggest features straight to the developer!(Micotsu#2907)

Like I said before, this bot has many more commands (easily over 300) and these are just examples. Please use the help command to see all of them!

Thank you for reading and considering using this bot!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user_f1d7039d39e7 Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user_f1d7039d39e7 to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user_f1d7039d39e7 Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: &
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Micotsu#2907