Hello! BotArmy team here! We’re so glad that you decided to join us on this journey! Anyways, If you didn’t join our server (https://discord.gg/NqrVRJN) you should really join it now because you can get some pretty neat perks if you do! Whats that? You don’t know our bot’s invite URL and our website?
Well here they are!: This is our website(https://bit.ly/botarmysite) and this is the bot invite URL(http://bit.ly/invite-botarmy). At any rate, welcome aboard!
Here Are some more useful links:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bot_army
GitHub: https://github.com/TheVirus-Limiter/botarmysite
Disclaimer: https://github.com/TheVirus-Limiter/botarmysite/blob/main/disclaimer.md