Corded Bot is a simple Discord bot to make your life easier.
Click here to add me to your server!
Need help? Click here to join the support server!
Bugs/Glitches and Abnormal BehaviourIf you discover a bug/glitch or find that the bot is behaving weirdly, please report it by joining the support server here in the #bugs-and-glitches channel.
Features- Moderation commands
- Fun commands
- Host giveaways
- Covid-19 information
- Math commands
- Verification system
- Custom configuration
- and many more!
- Kick
- Ban/Unban
- Massban
- Softban
- Mute
- Unmute
- Decancer
- Purge
- Pin
- Unpin
- Remove Reactions
- Set Nickname
- Mimic
- Morse Code
- Reverse
- Meme
- Tweet
- Embed
- Owoifier
- Choose
- Alternate
- Spoiler
- Hack
- And many more!
- gstart
- gcreate
- Covid <continent>
- Covid <country>
- Covid all
- prefix
- modrole
- modlog
- muterole
- age requirement - in beta
- captcha - in beta
Question: How do I change the prefix?
Answer: You can change the prefix using {prefix}prefix change <your new prefix>
Question: I changed Corded Bot’s prefix but I forgot it
Answer: You can mention corded bot as the prefix or you can use cb.
, which is the global prefix.
Question: Corded Bot says that I don’t have permissions to use this command but I have all the permissions needed
Answer: Some of the commands are still in testing so they can only be used by the owner of the bot.
Question: I have a suggestion for the bot or I found a bug in the bot.
Answer: Please join the support server for help.