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this is a status bot for corona - 24/7 support - English - status - easy to use

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Hi there,

Corona Bot is a status Bot that is easy to use.

You can get support at any time in the Support Server

Get Started:
Use !help to get started!

Info about us
  • developers
  • create websites, discord bots and help you
  • sweet developers ready for you
Handy Links

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Corona bot has several features that you can check out about this
Some of the features are listed below


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  • !discord Is our discord server.

  • !invite Can you invite our bot.

  • !vote You can vote on top.gg.

  • !servers to see how much server that bot is in.

  • !security give the security of the bot.

  • !world Give the status of the world.

  • !corona + country This command shows you stats about the corona virus also you can even search a country’s COVID-19 stats

  • !country + country gives you the status of that country

  • !covid + country This will allow you to get basic COVID-19 information about any country or state.

  • !covid-19 + country This will allow you to get basic COVID-19 information about any country or state.

  • !cases + country Gives the total cases of that country.

  • !casestoday + country Gives the cases today of that country.

  • !deaths + country Gives the total deaths of that country.

  • !deathstoday + country Gives the deaths today of that country.

  • !recovered + country Gives the total recovered of that country.

  • !activecases + country Gives the total active cases of that country.

  • !criticalcases + country Gives the total critical cases of that country.

  • !config Is the config of the bot.

  • !prefix + new prefix can you change the server prefix

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.