deleted_user_f8f7ca3fd417 Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user_f8f7ca3fd417 Discord Bot

Invite Coronabot Bot to your server and track COVID-19 data live with custom graphs, case number updates, and a newsletter system. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

deleted_user_f8f7ca3fd417 Discord Bot Described:

A bot that tracks COVID-19 data live - featuring custom graphs, automatic voice channel name updates with case numbers, and a newsletter system that keeps you updated via DM!

This bot retrieves data live regarding COVID-19.

With this bot, you can update your voice channels with live case numbers!


You can also view custom graphs for particular regions using our custom .corona command. These graphs update every 24 hours.


Not only this, but our bot, using maths, somewhat accurately predicts coronavirus case numbers in the upcoming days… This data is live!


Track growth vs deaths vs recoveries live with our custom .info command via a graph:


Commands Description
.corona [country/region] View live and predicted case data for COVID-19 along with a graph displaying daily cases and growth
.newsletter Opt into a DM-based newsletter where you can receive updates regarding COVID-19 and bot updates
.setup Set up your guild to be able to support voice channel updates to be able to display COVID-19 data on your voice channels
.source View the source of data for the bot
.suggest Leave a suggestion for the Coronabot. This suggestion will post in the official Discord for the bot.
.info View live data for COVID-19 regarding cases, deaths and recoveries. A graph is also provided with this command.
.invite Invite this bot to your own guild



For admins:

When the bot joins the guild, it will work immediately. However, to set up the voice channel updates, you will need to run .setup. This is the setup command for voice channels. From here, the bot explains what to do on the embeds. However, there is a .gif below showcasing the command.


What information we store:

To ensure the bot runs smoothly, we store:

  • Your guild ID
  • The IDs of channels you have opted into voice channel updates for
  • Your user ID if you have opted into the newsletter (and the opt in date of this)
  • Whether your guild has set up voice channels or not

When you opt out of the newsletter:
Your document in our database is immediately deleted and the information stored is removed.

Why we need the permissions selected in our invite link:
  • Manage Channels

This is to ensure we can rename voice channels. If you are never going to opt into voice channel renaming, you may remove this permission.

  • Read Messages

This is so the bot can pick up on commands in channels.

  • Embed Links

This is so the bot can send links and have the embed appear:


If you wish to remove this permission, you can.

  • Read Message History

This is so the bot can grab messages if necessary from channels. It is required for deleting messages (when running the setup command etc.) and other methods in the bot.

  • Use External Emojis

This is so, when we decide to implement custom emojis in our embeds, the emojis are able to be displayed.

  • Send Messages

This is the bot can respond to commands.

  • Manage Messages

This is so the bot can delete messages when running through a process, such as .setup.

  • Attach Files

This is for when we implement our graphs command. This will upload the image directly to the channel. For this to happen, we require this permission.

  • Add Reactions

This is so the bot can react to its own messages. Required for .setup.

  • View Channel

This is so the bot can view voice channels if you were to enable voice channel updates.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user_f8f7ca3fd417 Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user_f8f7ca3fd417 to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user_f8f7ca3fd417 Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: .
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Emissions#2565