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Dewamke Bot High Quality music bot, fortnite player stats, 24/7, memes, anime, info and more

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General Commands
f!invite - Invite Link for Bot.

f!serverinfo - Guild information. Updated.

f!userinfo [user] - Users Info.

f!botinfo - Bot Stats/Info. Updated.

f!ping - Bot Latency.

f!avatar [user] - Show’s People Avatar’s.

f!donate - You can donate for support the bot.

f!invites - Check your invites. New.

f!getchannelid - Show’s mentioned channel ID. New.

f!fstats - Fortnite Player Stats.

f!anime - You Can search anime.

f!animegif - Anime Gif’s.

f!nitro - %0.001 Lucky for nitro.

Fun Commands
f!meme - Funny Commands.

f!duck - Funny Commands.

f!cat - Funny Commands.

f!dog -Funny Commands.

f!shrug - Funny Commands.

f!8ball [question] - Funny Commands. Updated.

f!kill [user] - Funny Commands.

f!pepe - Funny Commands.

f!bird - Only Bird.

Admin Commands
f!ban [user] [reason] - Perma BAN. Updated.

f!setnick [nickname] - Set Bot Nickname. Updated.

f!mute [user] - Mute.

f!kick [user] [reason] - Kick.

f!unmute [user] - Unmute.

f!eval [eval]] - Maybe Only for Bot Owner.

f!exec [exec] - Maybe Only for Bot Owner.

f!clear [number] - Clearing Chat.

Music Commands
f!play - Plays audio from YouTube. Updated.

f!stop - Disconnecting the bot from voice.

f!pause - Pause the currently playing music.

f!resume - Resume currently playing music.

f!volume - Change volume of currently playing music.

f!search - Search and select videos to play. Updated.

f!skip - Skip the currently playing song.

f!queue - Show the music queue and now playing.

f!nowplaying - Show’s Currently playing song.

f!loop - Toggle music loop.

f!playlist - Play a playlist from youtube.

f!remove - Remove song from the queue.

f!skipto - Skip to the selected queue number.

f!prunning - Toggle pruning of bot messages.

f!shuffle - Shuffle queue.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.