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Duck Bot is a really easy to use Utility and Moderation bot with other features including Minecraft, Among Us, Fun, and more!

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Duck Bot is a really easy to use Utility and Moderation bot with other features including Minecraft, Among Us, Fun, and more!

If you need additional help, You can join our support server here:



/avatar - Shows your or the mentioned user’s avatar

/inrole - Shows the users with a role

/ping - Shows my latency

/info - Shows Bot Info

/invite - Invite the bot to your server

/Id - Shows the ID of a mentioned user

/help - Shows you all of the commands

/coinflip - Flips a coin

/roll - Rolls a Dice

/embed - Create a custom embed

/say - Make the bot say anything

/userinfo - Shows information about the mentioned user

/serverinfo - Shows server information

/lock - Locks a channel

/unlock - Unlocks a channel

/delete - Delete a certain amount of messages by a certain user

/delp - Delete your own messages

⚠️ Moderation

/ban - Bans a user from the server

/kick - Kicks a user from the server

/purge - Delete a certain amount of messages in a channel

/mute - Mutes a user in the server

/unban - Removes the ban of a user

/unmute - Unmutes a user from the server

/slowmode - Set the slowmode of a channel

/tempmute - Temporarily mute a user from the server

😃 Fun

/meme - Gives a meme

/8ball - The Magical 8ball can predict anything

/pp - Accurate PP Size machine

/snipe - Shows the last deleted message

/gay - Accurate Gay Machine

⛏ Minecraft

/skin - Shows the Skin if the provided IGN
/server - Get Info about a minecraft server

🐨 Animals

/dog - Gives a random dog picture

🚀Among Us

/amongus - Use this to mute and unmute everyone during a game

(More to be added)

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.