EPICDANK Bot offers the widest array of social commands that drives interaction like no other bot on Discord! Want to give your friends a hard time? Then epic mock
their message. Looking for a relevant reaction image? Then epic gif
has your back! To keep your server lively, EPICDANK Bot offers: Mini-games, economy, music discovery, image manipulation, image pulls, moderation, and much more to guarantee an all-in-one bot experience! Are you dank enough for this bot?
Current Commands:
1v1: 1v1 me noob
askdoge: Ask the all telling doge anything.
dadjoke: Daddy tell me a joke
dunce: Who's the dunce
gif: Pulls a GIF relevant to the keyword provided courtesy of GIPHY.
meme: Pull a very dank meme.
mock: mOcK thE StUpiD sTuFf yoUr fRiEnDS sAY.
poke: Poke your enemies
roll: Get the dice out!
slap: Slap your friends silly
`airhorn: MLG Airhorn time baby!
hellodarkness: Hello darkness my old friend..
howard: Howard the Alien!!!!
missionfailed: Mission failed, we'll get em next time.
blackjack: 21! 21! 21!
daily: Daily DANKCOIN delivery
flip: Bet your DANKCOIN on a coin flip!
flip1v1: Gamble your DANKCOIN against your friends on a coinflip!
balance: See how much DANKCOIN you currently have!
pay: Pay someone some DANKCOIN!
rich: See who's the dankest on your server!
slots: Bet your DANKCOIN on the slot machine!
Music Discovery
chill: Perfect for studying
edm: Your favorite music you haven't heard yet
hiphop: Hippitus hoppitus
indie: Indie rock/pop vibes
postrock: It isn't a dead genre I swear
retro: That late night Delorean drive feeling
kick: Kicks a user from the channel
pull: Pulls groups of users into a channel in one command.
purge: Purge messages from a channel, quickly removing posts.
groups: Lists all command groups.
enable: Enables a command or command group.
disable: Disables a command or command group.
help: Displays a list of available command with information
prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.
invite: Gives a direct invite for the bot to join servers.
vote: Gives voting link that rewards users with DANKCOIN upon voting