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A best bot using chatbot system is powered by GPT-3 and DALL-E and Midjourney

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FlyGPT’s chatbot system is powered by GPT-3 / Midjourney and to make it easy for everyone to chat with Fly, talking with Friday was built as if you were talking to a person. The ways of talking with ChatGPT are as follows:

🤖・List of Bot commands

/chat ➞ Allows you to request something from the bot
/funkopop ➞ Allows to generate an Funko Pop with a sentence
/imagine ➞ Allows to generate an image thanks to a sentence
/ping ➞ Allows you to see the latency of the bot

🤖・Liste des commandes du bot

/chat ➞ Permet de demander quelque chose au bot
/funkopop ➞ Permet de générer un Funko Pop grace à une phrase
/imagine ➞ Permet de générer une image grace à une phrase
/ping ➞ Permet de voir la latence du bot

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.