FPSMath Discord Bot Logo

FPSMath Discord Bot


Invite FPSMath Bot to your server and use its commands to convert sensitivities, fovs, mouse feel and more across preset games. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in April

FPSMath Discord Bot Described:

A Discord bot designed to convert video game sensitivities, fovs, mouse feel across themselves and preset games
A Discord bot designed to convert sensitivities, fovs, mouse feel across themselves and preset games

cm: Converts Senstivity to cm/360

convert: Converts Different Sensitivities from one game to another

deg: Converts Senstivity to deg/mm

focal: Focal Length Scales a desired sens between 2 fov values of the same type

fov: Converts fovs from one type to another or finds the true fov for a resolution aspect ratio

sens: Converts cm/360|deg/mm|inch/360 to a game sensitivity


help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.

prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.

ping: Checks the bot’s ping to the Discord server.

games: Displays the supported games for this bot

getobject: Displays the object assoiated for a game


Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add FPSMath Discord Bot to my server?

You can add FPSMath to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add FPSMath Discord Bot' on this page.


Prefix: /
Servers: 275
Users: 356.1K
Created by: Anima.#4242
Short link: discord.ly/fps-math