This is a bot for Discord giveaways. You can host giveaways with it and they will automatically end and pick a winner.
FeaturesTimed Giveaway - The give are timed and automatically end. The limit for now is 3 and a half weeks due to the 32 bit integer limit
Random Winner - Winners are randomly chosen by the bot and messaged. You can also set it up to have it message the giveaway creator when a winner is chosen
Customizability - There is currently some customization but not a lot yet. More coming soon!
!giveaway <create | end | list | config> - Can only be used by admins. Can create and end giveaways. List current ones running. And change the config.
!help - Displays the help menu
!botinfo - Displays bot information
!suggestion <text> - Send a suggestion or bug to the creator of the bot (Me)
Manage Server - For a feature coming soon (Inviting people counting as entries)
Read And Send Messages - To be able to do giveaways
Manage Messages - Edit Giveaway message to say winner
Read Message History - To be able to listen for reactions on old messages
Mention Roles - For a feature coming soon
Add Reaction - To be able to add the first reaction to the giveaway