Infinity Commands
ban,kick,mute,unmute,unban,resetwarns, softban, voicekick, warn, warns
botinfo, servers, uptime, channelinvite, channelinfo, help, invite, membercount, oldest, ping, roleinfo, serverinfo, userid, userinfo, youngest
play, stop, skip, skipto, shuffle, loop, lyrics, np, pause, resume, queue, search, playlist, pruning, volume, remove
SetNick,addemoji,clear, createrole, giverole, lock, unlock, nuke, removeemoji, setjoin, setleave, slowmode, voicemute, voiceunmute, deafen
afk, amazeme, avatar, emojilist, enlarge, github, imdb, scrap, timer, weather, npm, mdn, screenshot, shard, permission, support
8ball, age, anime, ascii, cattext, changemymind, clyde, coinflip, color, covid, embed, emojify, fight, hack, hastebin, howgay, howsmart, joke, math, meme, playstore, pokemon, pp, rate, reverse, rn, roll, trigger, badquotes, chucknorris, dadjoke, duck, fortune, insult, kanyewest, lenny, nitro, programming, quote, tableflip, trump
bite,hug,kiss,bully, cuddle, pat, poke, slap
daily,weekly,bal,beg,shop, buy,leaderboard,search,work
dog,cat,bird,fox,panda, koala,redpanda
auto-role Off, auto-role add, auto-role remove, auto-role removeALL, auto-role list, auto-role bots
/Reaction Roles
Infinity is still under development so many other commands coming soon !
Some times bot can be offline due to hosting issues but dont worry it can last a maximum of 1-2 hours!