💻Default Prefix: !!
⌨️🖱️: !!Wholesome
/ !!WS
⌨️🖱️: !!Squad
⌨️🖱️: !!Affection
⌨️🖱️: !!Fight
⌨️🖱️: !!Look
⌨️🖱️: !!Sleep
⌨️🖱️: !!Hug
⌨️🖱️: !!Home
⌨️🖱️: !!Date <character>
⌨️🖱️: !!Quest
/ !!Q
⌨️🖱️: !!Contacts
/ !!C
⌨️🖱️: !!DeleteContact
/ !!DC <Character>
⌨️🖱️: !!Rotomdex
/ !!RD
⌨️🖱️: !!ViewCards
/ !!VC
⌨️🖱️: !!Bookmarks
/ !!B
⌨️🖱️: !!AskSonia
/ !!AS <Pokémon>
⌨️🖱️: !!RandomPokemon
/ !!RP
⌨️🖱️: !!AskEris
/ !!AE <Character>
⌨️🖱️: !!RandomSearch
/ !!RS
⌨️🖱️: !!Popular
/ !!P
⌨️🖱️: !!Settings
⌨️🖱️: !!QuestSetting
For $10 you get Bot Activation for both ISHUZOKU and WORLD SEEKER!
💎:Mail Cooldown shortened to 1/hr
💎:Pokémon Cooldown shortened to 1/hr
💎:Date cooldown shortened to 1/hr
💎:Rolls increased to 20. 40 Rolls after upvoting
💎:Unlocked following customization
Buy Mansions
Buy Pokéball cosmetics
Buy player appearances
Customize command colors
Partner customization. Buy clothing.
💎:AON can be turned off
💎:.GIF format can be used in greeting messages.
💎:Tag along with Partners/Hero’s in quest.
💎: Activation to all additional premium bots made by this Developer for the price of one activation
💎: 180+ Prestige point appearances.
💎: Configure Prestige drop percentage up to 7%.
💎: Rolls cooldown shortened to 1/hr.
💎: Pokémon cooldown shortened to 1/hr.
💎: Rolls increased to 20. 40 Rolls after upvoting.
💎: Dragonball item usage cooldown shortened to 1 week.
💎: Infinity stone item usage cooldown shortened to 1 week.
💎: !AON can be turned off.
💎: Activation to all additional premium bots made by this Developer for the price of one activation