Live Countdown Discord Bot Logo

Live Countdown Discord Bot

Add Live Countdown Bot to your server and countdown to a time with continuously updating messages. Get started with Live Countdown Discord Bot now.

0 upvotes in November

Live Countdown Discord Bot Described:

Counts down to a given time by continuously editing the message.
Live Countdown bot

Docker build

A discord bot that counts down to a given time. What’s the secret? It does this by continuously editing the message as each minute passes by.

  • Easy to use
  • Open-source
  • Author is a friendly guy
  • Count down to events right in your server
  • You probably can’t live without it once you’ve used it


!help (or) !usage (or) !commands

Shows the help message.


Use this to see how the bot is chugging along.


Syntax: !countdown [tagme|taghere|tageveryone] <Date/time to countdown to>

Commands can also be inlined, by wrapping it between two exclamation marks.

Syntax: .. !!countdown [tagme|taghere|tageveryone] <Date/time to countdown to>! ..


!countdown 10mins
!countdown tagme May 24 3:47 PM PDT

Time till I'm 13 yrs old: !!countdown Aug 31, 10PM GMT! left.
There is !!countdown taghere 11:59 PM EST! left to capture flags!

Visit the github repo here to file issues or to ask for a new feature!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Live Countdown Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Live Countdown to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Live Countdown Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: !
Servers: 58.7K
Users: unknown
Created by: LordBusiness#4990
