Logo for Mayuri

Upvote Mayuri

An anime-identity, multi-purpose Discord Bot with a variety of commands. It will delight you with all it can do!

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A Multipurpose Discord Bot, used for Music with Filters! and it also has some Fun and Utitlity commands as well as ChatBot Feature.
No doubt you will love it. Have fun!

Help Menu

Mayuri’s Prefix Is m! For Help Related To A Particular Command Type - m!help [command name] Or m!help [alias]


Mayuri has a lot of features, with 7 main categories:

  • Music: play, skip, np, queue,clear-queue, filter, filters, loop, pause, lyrics, resume, shuffle, stop, volume and leave!

  • Information: info, help, invite and uptime!

  • Anime: anime, hug, kiss, neko, baka, fact, pat, poke, slap, smug, tickle, waifu, whatanime and wink!

  • ChatBot: chatbot, disableChatbotchannel and setChatbotchannel!

  • Fun: binary, clyde, comment, eject, iq, reddit, emojify, github, npm, osu, ping, weather, zalgo, country, applestore and playstore!

  • Image: fire, respect, scary, triggered, rip, trash, beautiful, affect, delete and thomas!

  • Other: profile, addemoji, snipe, wiki, avatar, serverinfo, urban, emojilist, clear and duel!


You can report bugs in the Support. We will answer you!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.