hello introduce mothica bot, mothica will make it easier to setup moderation on your server and improve your server with existing commands such as setwelcome, setleave, setaichat. You can also troll your friends’ photos with the FunChat command. Not only that you can also listen to music with this bot,
These are examples of commands in the mothica bot
Moderation command
*motwarn @mentions (reason) || warned a member
*motclear (number) || purge some message
*motban @mention (reason) || banned a member from server
*motkick @mention (reason) || kicked a member from server
*motsetwelcome || set welcome message on your server -
Utility command
*motamong (code) (currently players) (server) (note) || Make among us info,invite game room
*motavatar @mention || show your avatar or someone
*motascii (text) || Convert text to ascii embed
*motping || check your ping!
*motprofile || check your profile information -
Fun Chat command
*mottrigger @mention || Add someone and manipulate trigger gif
*motwasted @mention || Add someone and manipulate wasted gta
*motcmm (text) || Manipulate meme image change my mind and add text
*motf @mentions || Add someone profile and manipulate press f image
*motstonk || Add someone profile and manipulate stonks image -
Music command
*motplay/stop || play a songs from youtube
*motqueue || check music queue
*motpause/resume || pause/resume a music
*motloop || loop a music
*motnp || check now playing a music
*motlyric || get a lyric from playing a music
- Join the server
Request other command?
if you wanna other command just contact the author bot,i’ll do my best
Note : If you find bug/error please contact the author,i will appreciate your report