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A simple bot to move messages around in a server!

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Move bot is a simple bot with a single functionality: moving messages around in a Discord server.

To move messages, you must have the “Manage messages” permission in the Discord server.
It is very simple to use:

  • Reply to the targeted message
  • Type: !mv #channelName

This will create a webhook mimicking the original sender’s avatar and display name(with a bot flair) that will post the moved message in the target channel. The command will also:

  • Delete the original message
  • Send a message, notifying the original sender that their message was moved, and by who.
  • Delete the !mv command
  • Delete the previously created webhook

I created MoveBot to add the Move Message functionality, that is currently unavailable natively in Discord. It can be especially useful when members are discussing potentially spoiler topics. With a quick command, the messages can be sent to the relevant channel!

MoveBot is a free utility, and it will remain as such. If you enjoy having MoveBot around and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee at paypal.me/blackrainbowstudios.

If you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to contact me in my Discord server: https://discord.gg/t5N754rmC6

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.