An advanced Music Bot, with 30+ Radio Stations, with capability of filters, like Bassboost, Nightcore, etc. and reaction interactivity. Based on ytdl-core with discord.js Guide Handler.
You can always invite the Bot to your Server if you wish, its public and you can use it!
Commands:+filter <FILTERNAME>
– Set Audio - Effects+loop
– Toggle music loop+lyrics
– Get lyrics for the currently playing song+nowplaying
– Show current song+pause
– Pause the currently playing music+play <TITEL | URL>
– Plays song from YouTube/Stream+queue
– Show the music queue and now playing+radio <RADIOSTATION>
– Play a Radiostation+remove
– Remove song from the queue+resume
– Resume currently playing music+search <TITEL | URL>
– Search and select videos to play+shuffle
– Shuffles the current Queue!+skip
– Skip the currently playing song+skipto <QUEUE NUM.>
– Skip to the selected queue number+stop
– Stops the music+volume <VOL. NUM.>
– Change volume+botlist
– Gives you the botlists of the Bot+help [COMMAND]
– Gives you a list of all help Commands+invite
– Gives you an invite+ping
– Gives you the latency of the Bot+prefix
– Sets a server specific Prefix+uptime
– Gives you the uptime of the Bot
If you are having Errors / Problems message the Owner (Tomato#6966) on Discord!
CLICK HERE if you want the source code to the Bot, and many other cool bots on my github!
But please invite it dont just use the code ;) THANKS!
SUPPORT MEYou can always Support me by inviting one of my own Discord Bots
| fork my repository |
watch this repo |
create issue |
Both bots are still in Development, and will always be in development, this means always uptodate and always online and always improving!