Logo for NaoTomori

Upvote NaoTomori

NaoTomori bots form indonesia , Higth Quality Bot Online in 24/7, Music Command Support,Moderation Command suport, Global Real Time

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| Commands | Example | Info |

| help | -help | open command GUI in Channel Text|
| userinfo | -userinfo <@mention> | Info of the user |
| serverinfo | -serverinfo | Info of the server |
| botinfo | -botinfo | Info for the bot |
| music | -h music | To see all music Commands |
| youtube | -google | Google Searcing |
| invite bot | -invite | Invite me and Vote Me |
| avatar | -avatar | To see your avatar of other person |
| reportbug | -reportbug | To report bug and send to Owner |
| changelogs | -changelogs | To see what’s new of this bot |

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