Logo for Poll

Upvote Poll

Poll Bot with unique Features like Time-Locked StrawPoll, CSV Export of the results, results handling, Poller role, command for automatic converstion in UTC, unlimited Poll etc!

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This bot helps you to manage polls. It can creates it, and count the reactions.

Type !poll to create a poll, 1st arguement is the title (!poll None ArgX to remove the title), you can set a long title or long arguments using “My Args” for each one. Unlimited arguments.

Type !strawpoll to create a strawpoll : !strawpoll “My Title” “Arg 1” “Arg 20” Be aware! Max arguments is 20!

Type !timedstrawpoll to create a TimedStrawpoll : !timedstrawpoll “My Title” “MyTiming” “Arg 1” “Arg 20”. Timing format is Y-M-D H:M:S in UTC. Use !utc to get common time with timezone to UTC.
Limited to 20 args

Type !results link of the message to get the results of a poll. We protect your restricted channel : if someone gets the link but doesn’t have access to the channel, he can’t get the results!

Type !export link of the message to get the results in a .csv file of a poll.We protect your restricted channel : if someone gets the link but doesn’t have access to the channel, he can’t get the file!

Type !utc to get the time for your TimedStrawpoll : !utc “Today at 8PM” CET

Type !help to get the help and invitation link.

If you want to allow someone to create poll, just add him the role Poller!

Thanks :D

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.