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RA1NB0T is a multipurpose chatbot with moderation, utility, and fun commands.

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A Discord Bot made with NodeJS.
RA1NB0T is a multipurpose chatbot with moderation, utility, and fun commands.
RA1NB0T receives frequent updates that add new commands!

Command Function Required Role
help DMs the user the command list everyone
invite Provides a bot invite link everyone
feedback Sends feedback to the developer everyone
ping Pong! everyone
pinguser Pings a user everyone
say Allows the user to talk as the bot everyone
hello Receive a greeting from the bot everyone
flip flips a coin everyone
apologize Receive an apology from the bot everyone
shoot shoot a user everyone
rr play russian roulette everyone
urban Searches the urban dictionary for the specified term everyone
cat Sends a random cat image everyone
dog Sends a random dog image everyone
fox Sends a random fox image everyone
joke Sends a random joke everyone
devjoke Sends a random programming joke everyone
yesorno Answers a yes or no question for you everyone
github Provides the link to the bot’s Github repository everyone
update Provides the link to the bot’s latest update video everyone
guilds Lists the total number of guilds that the bot is active in everyone
support Sends an invite link to the RA1NB0T Support guild everyone
whatsnew Lists new features and commands everyone
userinfo Lists information about the selected user everyone
serverinfo Lists information about the current guild everyone
vote Sends the discordbots.org link to vote for the bot everyone
kick kicks a user Admin
mute mutes a user Admin
unmute unmutes a user Admin
purge deletes a specified number of messages (Max 25) Admin
setpresence Sets the bot’s status Bot Owner

To send feedback please join the Support Guild, or use the +feedback command through RA1NB0T.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.