deleted_user_562d32f0676c Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user_562d32f0676c Discord Bot

Invite Rainbow Six Bot to your server and learn Siege weapons, operators and maps with its easy commands. Get started with Rainbow Six Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in January

deleted_user_562d32f0676c Discord Bot Described:

A bot dedicated to giving new Rainbow Six: Siege players an easy way to learn weapons, operators, and maps from Rainbow Six: Siege
Quick Start Guide

-help will take you to the main help menu

-operator <operator> will give you an overview of an operator

-weapon <weapon> will give you the stats on a weapon

-opdetails <operator> will give you details stats of an operator and all of the weapons available to the operator

-map <map> <floor> will give you an image of a map’s specified floor

-strat <attack/defense> will give you a random strat to follow for the round

-oprng <attack/defense> <number of operators> will give you the specified number of random operators and randomised loadouts to play with

-rush <attack/defense> will give you a random rercuit loadout for your team to play with


Rainbow Six is a bot dedicated to helping new and existing player research stats about operaters, weapons, and maps for Rainbow Six: Siege.
-help will give you the main help menu, where you can find the commands list.
-suggest will send a message with a suggestion, which could potentially be added to rainbow Six if I like it.
-report will alert me of any bugs that pop up, if you do see any incorrect information or formatting or anything, PLEASE use this command!
Rainbow Six will be updated with new balancing and DLC data as soon as possible. You can find a link to the public repo that I have made for this bot by using -info.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user_562d32f0676c Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user_562d32f0676c to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user_562d32f0676c Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: -
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Ser Ames#0959