Sisas Discord Bot Logo

Sisas Discord Bot

Invite Sisas Bot to your server and enjoy music commands, moderation and fun with friends. Add Sisas Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in October

Sisas Discord Bot Described:

Easy way to play music, moderate and fun with friends on Discord.
- Relaxxed - A discord music - fun & moderation bot!


Command Description Usage
Play Play any song or playlist from youtube, you can do it by searching for a song by name or song url or playlist url /play darude sandstorm
Pause Pause the current playing song /pause
Resume Resume the current paused song /resume
Leave Leaves voice channel if in one /leave
Remove Remove a specific song from queue by its number in queue /remove 4
Queue Display the song queue /queue
Shuffle Shuffle the song queue /shuffle
Skip Skip the current playing song /skip
Skipall Skip all songs in queue /skipall
Skipto Skip to a specific song in the queue, provide the song number as an argument /skipto 5
Volume Adjust song volume /volume 80
Vusic-trivia Engage in a music trivia with your friends. You can add more songs to the trivia pool in resources/music/musictrivia.json /music-trivia
Voop Loop the currently playing song /loop 5
Loopqueue Loop the queue /loopqueue 2
Lyrics Get lyrics of any song or the lyrics of the currently playing song /lyrics song-name
Now-playing Display the current playing song with a playback bar /now-playing
  • Misc
Command Description Usage
Cat Get a cute cat picture /cat
Fortune Get a fortune cookie tip /fortune
Insult Generate an evil insult /insult
Chucknorris Get a satirical fact about Chuck Norris /chucknorris
Motivation Get a random motivational quote /motivation
Global-news Latest headlines from reuters, you can change the news source to whatever news source you want, just change the source in line 13 in global-news.js or ynet-news.js !global-news
/Random Generate a random number between two provided numbers !random 0 100
Reddit Replies with 5 top non nsfw subreddit posts /reddit askreddit
Say Make the bot say anything /say Lorem Ipsum
Translate Translate to any language using yandex translation service(only supported lanugages) !translate ありがとう
Whomademe Info about me and the repo /whomademe
Uptime Replies with the bot’s total uptime /uptime
  • Gifs
Command Description Usage
Animegif Get an anime related gif by a query /animegif one punch man
Gif Get any gif by a query /gif labrador
Gintama Replies with a random gintama gif /gintama
Hug Tag someone to hug /hug @user
Jojo Replies with a random jojo gif /jojo
Kill Tag someone to kill /kill @user
Kiss Tag someone to kiss /kiss @user
Slap Tag someone to slap /slap @user
  • Guild
Command Description Usage
Ban Bans a tagged member /ban @user
Kick Kicks a tagged member /kick @user
Clear Delete up to 99 recent messages /clear 50
Bot by Johan.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Sisas Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Sisas to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Sisas Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: /
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Johan#0069