- Relaxxed - A discord music - fun & moderation bot!
Bot by Johan.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Command | Description | Usage |
Play | Play any song or playlist from youtube, you can do it by searching for a song by name or song url or playlist url | /play darude sandstorm |
Pause | Pause the current playing song | /pause |
Resume | Resume the current paused song | /resume |
Leave | Leaves voice channel if in one | /leave |
Remove | Remove a specific song from queue by its number in queue | /remove 4 |
Queue | Display the song queue | /queue |
Shuffle | Shuffle the song queue | /shuffle |
Skip | Skip the current playing song | /skip |
Skipall | Skip all songs in queue | /skipall |
Skipto | Skip to a specific song in the queue, provide the song number as an argument | /skipto 5 |
Volume | Adjust song volume | /volume 80 |
Vusic-trivia | Engage in a music trivia with your friends. You can add more songs to the trivia pool in resources/music/musictrivia.json | /music-trivia |
Voop | Loop the currently playing song | /loop 5 |
Loopqueue | Loop the queue | /loopqueue 2 |
Lyrics | Get lyrics of any song or the lyrics of the currently playing song | /lyrics song-name |
Now-playing | Display the current playing song with a playback bar | /now-playing |
- Misc
Command | Description | Usage |
Cat | Get a cute cat picture | /cat |
Fortune | Get a fortune cookie tip | /fortune |
Insult | Generate an evil insult | /insult |
Chucknorris | Get a satirical fact about Chuck Norris | /chucknorris |
Motivation | Get a random motivational quote | /motivation |
Global-news | Latest headlines from reuters, you can change the news source to whatever news source you want, just change the source in line 13 in global-news.js or ynet-news.js | !global-news |
/Random | Generate a random number between two provided numbers | !random 0 100 |
Replies with 5 top non nsfw subreddit posts | /reddit askreddit | |
Say | Make the bot say anything | /say Lorem Ipsum |
Translate | Translate to any language using yandex translation service(only supported lanugages) | !translate ありがとう |
Whomademe | Info about me and the repo | /whomademe |
Uptime | Replies with the bot’s total uptime | /uptime |
- Gifs
Command | Description | Usage |
Animegif | Get an anime related gif by a query | /animegif one punch man |
Gif | Get any gif by a query | /gif labrador |
Gintama | Replies with a random gintama gif | /gintama |
Hug | Tag someone to hug | /hug @user |
Jojo | Replies with a random jojo gif | /jojo |
Kill | Tag someone to kill | /kill @user |
Kiss | Tag someone to kiss | /kiss @user |
Slap | Tag someone to slap | /slap @user |
- Guild
Command | Description | Usage |
Ban | Bans a tagged member | /ban @user |
Kick | Kicks a tagged member | /kick @user |
Clear | Delete up to 99 recent messages | /clear 50 |