Review Bot Discord Bot Logo

Review Discord Bot

Get Review Bot to your server and start receiving reviews with simple commands. Invite Review Bot now and get started! Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in November

Review Discord Bot Described:

Review bot is a simple bot that makes it possible for your users to leave a review on your server!

Review bot was created because I was unable to find anything like it online, do you want to know what people think of your server, with Review Bot this is possible when invited, it gives users the tools to write a review (with star rating!) to show how much they appreciate you! This, of course, works great for new members who want to know what the server is like before dedicating to it!

Tutorial video:

Bot commands:

Command | Function
review | This command will trigger the bot to post an embed with the text of your choice.*
anonreview | This command will trigger the bot to post an anonymous embed with the text of your choice.*
help | This will explain how to trigger the bot command.
version | Will show the bots current version.
*_ $review 1-5 message - eg: $review 5 This bot is great! / $anonreview 3 This review is anonymous!_


Command | Function
helpadmin | This command will explain how the admin commands work.
setprefix | This will change the standard prefix $ to anything you’d like it to be.
setchannel | This sets the channel you allow the bot to post in.
settitle | This sets the title for the embed. (eg Review:)
seturl | This will apply the thumbnail within the embed.
setcolor | This sets the color on the embed (eg eb4034)
toggle | This will enable // disable the $review command. Use 0 for off 1 for on.

* Make sure all 4 set commands are used before using the bot or it will not work.

Here <3

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Review Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Review to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Review Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: $
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: UsernameNoWork#0001