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Never want to get rickrolled again? Add this bot to your server and it will automatically scan links and mark potential rickrolls.

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Are you tired of being rickrolled all the time?
Add this bot to your server and get all links checked for potential RickRolls.
If a user posts a RickRoll he also gets warned by DM to not post RickRolls anymore.
%help : Displays the usage for the bot
%check : Checks the given link for a potential RickRoll

%check https://example.com
will warn you if its a hidden rickroll!
Following reactions are possible:
🟥 = guaranteed RickRoll
🟨 = very likely that its a RickRoll
🟩 = you should be good to go :)

The bot will also automatically scan every link and warns you if its a rickroll.

Since this project is still in an early state please report any bugs or suggestions to: mlvin#7548
Made with ❤️ by carlinski, PiTim and mlvin

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