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Easy to use react roles using slash commands.

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RoleBot is a reaction role based bot that helps you organize and add react roles for your server.

RoleBot depends on the “categories” you set up for each “category” of react roles. This helps RoleBot track react roles. For example if you created a Color category, you would create react roles related to colors and add those related react roles to the category.

You’re able to configure Categories to have custom descriptions as well as limiting the react roles in it to being mutually exclusive. This means a user can only get a single role from that category when they react. If they react to get another role it removes any role from that category before it applies the new one.

You can see all your categories and what react roles are in each category, and even see which react roles haven’t been added to a category yet.

Want to use RoleBot’s default embed? Just use /react-channel and give RoleBot the channel and it will send all configured categories to that channel and react to them appropriately.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.