deleted_user_7bdedfbc6567 Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user_7bdedfbc6567 Discord Bot

Invite Royale Gambling Bot to your server and enjoy its tourney management, contests, games, brawlstars and more commands. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in December

deleted_user_7bdedfbc6567 Discord Bot Described:

A multi purpose bot with tourney management commands, contests, games, brawlstars, search, misc, utils, fun, image manipulation, memes
Royale Gambling

bot is mainly economy based bot, it also helps you to manage tournaments in both discord and app. It has also brawl stars commands, anyone’s profile tag can be saved and his stats can be checked anytime. (Brawl Stars Server Verification system is coming soon…)
This bot has useful utils, misc commands to handle a server, commands (topic), games and contests (Last man Standing) to keep the chat active of a server.Guess the Number game is available as well.
Alongside, fun, Image Manipulation, ascii commands for general members.

Here is a short list of useful commands of the bot:

help - Run this command to get the full list of all commands!

topic - Run this command in the chat to start a topic!

newtourney - Logs in a discord channel whenever a tournament is published in your discord server

winnerslog - Logs winners of a tournament hosted in your discord server

paytmlog - DMs tournament winner and asks for payment details then logs them in a channel

map <gameMode> - Example map sd , provides you a random map for your tournament

rbrawler <howMany> - Example rbrawler 3, provides you 3 random brawler’s name to be used or banned in brawl stars tournament

binfo <brawlerName> - Example binfo shelly, provides you details info about shelly brawler (brawlstars)

┣ *blog - Provides you the battle log of your brawl stars ID, you can check your battle log from discord

spots- You can check the number of registrations in a discord tournament

result - You can check the result of a lobby/room of app tournaments from discord

wallet - a system to store winner’s due payments ( Management)

gtn - Guess the number game

lms - Last man Standing game/contest

shorten-url - Shortens URL, you can shorten your URL from discord, Credits:

msginfo msgID - Shows info about the message

first-msg - Check what was the first of channel

emojiinfo <emoji> - Gives info about the emoji

emoji-image - Enlarge’s the emoji (Server Emotes only)

youtube - basically a search command (youtube)

g-map - google map

There are a lots of useful commands, try help command to check them all, below i am providing a list of commands with their description:

Total: 204


8ball: ask some questions

age: Responds with how old someone born in a certain year is.

ascii: Make your texts amazing

cake: Gives someone a cake

cat: sends random cat picture

character-count: Responds with the character count of text.

choose: Choose between multiple options

claptext: Add clap emojis in a text message

colourify: Colourifies avatar

cow-say: Makes a cow say your text.

cry: cry for someone

cuddle: Cuddle someone xD

cursive: Converts text to cursive.

decode: Convert binary to text

didyoumean: A Fun command, try it

emojify: Converts text to emoji form.

encode: convert text to binary

fact: Responds with a random fact.

gay: conert your avatar into a GAY avatar

gayrate: Shows how much gay you are (%)

gender: Determines the gender of a name

howhorny: Let you know how horny you are

howlongpp: A test for copy pasta

howlucky: Shows how much lucky you are

howsmart: Shows how smart are you

hug: Hug someone

roast: Roasts a user.

joke: Responds with a random joke.

kiss: kiss someone

opinion: Determines the opinion on something.

quote: Responds with a random quote.

spoiler-letter: Sends text with each and every character as an individual spoiler.


afk: helps someone to turn into AFK

beautify: Beautifies code with js-beautify.

embed: Converts a normal message to embed

face: Determines the race, gender, and age of a face.

invite: sends invite link of the bot

lint: Lints code using ESLint.

lmgtfy: Creates a LMGTFY link with the query you provide.

prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.

snipe: snipes something

strawpoll: Generates a Strawpoll with the options you provide.

topic: Helps you to start a topic in the chat to keep active

translate: Translates text to a specific language.

txt: Generates a TXT file from the text you provide.

Brawl Stars:

battlelog: Get a complete log of your battles

bsave: Save your brawl stars profile tag

bsprofile: Show brawl stars profile

renamebs: Change your nickname to brawlstars IGN


ban: bans a user

kick: kicks a user

lock: Locks the channel properly (Carl one is bugged)

purge: delete messages

unlock: Unlocks the channel properly (Carl one is bugged)

Mini Games:

bingo: Play bingo with up to 99 other users.

box-choosing: Do you believe that there are choices in life? Taken from Higurashi Chapter 4.

captcha: Try to guess what the captcha says.

emoji-emoji-revolution: Can you type arrow emoji faster than anyone else has ever typed them before?

gtn: Guess the number game

hangman: Prevent a man from being hanged by guessing a word as fast as you can.

hunger-games: Simulate a Hunger Games match with up to 24 tributes.

lms: Last man standing game

quiz: Answer a quiz question.

reaction-time: Test your reaction time.

rps: Rock, Paper, Scissors game

tic-tac-toe: Play a game of tic-tac-toe with another user.

word-chain: Try to come up with words that start with the last letter of your opponent’s word. Helper:

binfo: provides you infos about a brawler

map: provides 3 random brawler name and 1 map for tournament

newtourney: New Tournaments log for tournaments those are done by tourney bot

paytmdm: Send user a form for logging PayTM details for tournament winners

paytmlog: PayTM number log for winners of tournaments those are done by tourney bot

rbrawler: provides 1/2/3/4/5 random brawlers name

result: Get result of app brawl stars tournaments

spots: **Let you know how many members has registered in a tournament ( **

wallet: Wallet system for Bot users

winnerslog: Winners log for tournaments those are done by tourney bot


avatar: Responds with a user’s avatar.

book: Searches Google Books for a book.

channelinfo: Responds with detailed information on a channel.

country: Responds with information on a country.

covid: Get stats of corona of specified country

devs: Let you know about the devs of this bot

emoji-image: Responds with an emoji’s full-scale image.

emoji-list: Responds with a list of the server’s custom emoji.

emojiinfo: Responds with detailed information on an emoji.

first-msg: Responds with the first message ever sent to a channel.

gravity: Determines weight on another planet.

id: Responds with a user’s ID.

member-stats: Shows stats of members of your serber eg - number of online and offline members

msginfo: Responds with detailed information on a message.

partner: Partner with royale-gambling bot

roleinfo: Responds with detailed information on a role.

serverinfo: shows infos about server

spotify: shows stats of a spotify user

stats: Let you know about this bot

uptime: let you know the uptime of the bot

userinfo: shows infos about an user


shorten-url: Shortens a URL using

botinfo: Responds with detailed bot information.

calculate: Evaluates a math expression.

changelog: Responds with the bot’s latest 10 commits.

command-leaderboard: Responds with the bot’s most used commands.

configs: Sends some infos for setting up channels etc

credit: Responds with a command’s credits list.

currency: Converts currency from one currency to another.

discord: sends invite link of support server

groups: Lists all command groups.

help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specific command.

g-map: Responds with a map of a specific location.

movie: Searches TMDB for your query, getting movie results.

nuke: Nukes a channel (Use to delete all meessages of a channel)

ping: Checks the bot’s ping to the Discord server.

random-user: Randomly chooses a member of the server.

rename-all: Renames every member of the server. (Owner-Only)

report: Reports something to the bot owner(s).

timer: Create a timer

units: Converts units to/from other units.

weather: Responds with weather information for a specific location.

youtube: Searches YouTube for your query.

Image Manipulation:

adorable: Creates an adorable avatar based on the text you provide.

amiajoke: Let you know if you are a joke xD

approved: Draws an “approved” stamp over an image or a user’s avatar.

avatar-fusion: Draws a a user’s avatar over a user’s avatar.

blur: Draws an image or a user’s avatar but blurred.

caution: Creates a caution sign with the text of your choice.

certificate: Sends a certificate of excellence with the name and reason of your choice.

create-qr-code: Converts text to a QR Code.

deepfry: dreepfry someone’s avatar

fire-frame: Draws a fiery border over an image or a user’s avatar.

invert: Invert anyone’s avatar

magix: Magix someone’s avatar

phtext: covert text to a nice format

pixelate: A test for copy pasta

read-qr-code: Reads a QR Code.

rip: Draws a user’s avatar over a gravestone.

steam-now-playing: Draws a user’s avatar over a Steam “now playing” notification.

supreme: convert a text to a nice looking format

tea: Draws a user’s avatar sipping tea.

triggered: Draws a user’s avatar over the “Triggered” meme.

tweet: Sends a Twitter tweet with the user and text of your choice.

Meme Related (Credits: Xiao) :

3000-years: Draws an image or a user’s avatar over Pokémon’s “It’s been 3000 years” meme.

alert: Sends a Presidential Alert message with the text of your choice.

bart-chalkboard: Sends a “Bart Chalkboard” meme with the text of your choice.

be-like-bill: Sends a “Be Like Bill” meme with the name of your choice.

beautiful: Draws a user’s avatar over Gravity Falls’ “Oh, this? This is beautiful.” meme.

boardroom-meeting: Sends a “Boardroom Meeting” meme with the text of your choice.

catch: Catch users, revealing who is something.

challenger: Draws an image or a user’s avatar over Smash Bros.'s “Challenger Approaching” screen.

change-my-mind: Sends a “Change My Mind” meme with the text of your choice.

cursed-sponge: Sends a cursed sponge duplicated however many times you want.

dear-liberals: Sends a “Dear Liberals” meme with words of your choice.

demotivational: Draws an image or a user’s avatar and the text you specify as a demotivational poster.

dislike: Sends an “Everyone Disliked That” meme with the image of your choice.

enslaved: Sends a “Ah yes, enslaved” meme with the image and text of your choice.

food-broke: Draws a user’s avatar over the “Food Broke” meme.

for-five-hours: Sends an “I’ve looked at this for 5 hours now” meme with the image of your choice.

i-fear-no-man: Sends a “I fear no man” meme with the text of your choice.

like: Sends an “Everyone Liked That” meme with the image of your choice.

look-at-this-photograph: Draws an image or a user’s avatar over Nickelback’s photograph.

meme-gen-classic: Sends a meme with the text and background of your choice.

meme-gen-modern: Sends a meme with the text and image of your choice.

new-password: Sends a “Weak Password/Strong Password” meme with the passwords of your choice.

spiderman-pointing: Sends a “Spiderman Pointing at Spiderman” meme with the text of your choice.

spongebob-burn: Sends a “Spongebob Throwing Something into a Fire” meme with words of your choice.

this-guy: Draws an image or a user’s avatar over the “Get a load of this guy” meme.

thug-life: Draws “Thug Life” over an image or a user’s avatar.

to-be-continued: Draws an image with the “To Be Continued…” arrow.

two-buttons: Sends a “Two Buttons” meme with the buttons of your choice.

ultimate-tattoo: Draws an image or a user’s avatar as “The Ultimate Tattoo”.

worthless: Draws an image or a user’s avatar over Gravity Falls’ “This is worthless.” meme.

Single Response:

can-you-not: Can YOU not?

cave: Sends a Minecraft cave that blends in with the chat.

dark-light: Determines whether you use dark or light theme.

eat-pant: Eat pant.

eggs-get-laid: Sends the ultimate roast.

fly: Sends a fake fly that looks surprisngly real.

give-flower: Gives Xiao Pai a flower.

hi: Hello.

wikipedia: Searches Wikipedia for your query.

isnt-joke: Isn’t joke…

its-joke: It’s joke!

just-do-it: Sends a link to the “Just Do It!” motivational speech.

lenny: Responds with the lenny face.

lyrics: Responds with lyrics to a song.

nasa: Searches NASA’s image archive for your query.

nitro: Sends an image of a fake nitro giveaway.

rickroll: Sends a link to the “Never Gonna Give You Up” music video.

spam: Responds with a picture of Spam.

tableflip: Flips a table… With animation!

time: Responds with the current time in a particular location.

wynaut: Why not? Wynaut?

yoff: Posts a picture that truly defines modern art.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user_7bdedfbc6567 Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user_7bdedfbc6567 to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user_7bdedfbc6567 Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ? (changeable)
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: LA | Surgical_Crow#3233