Animal Commands : it shows you random animal pictures
Admin Commands : it contains commands that only adminstrators can use it like prefix changing : !setprefix and the server information !server
Fun Commands : it contains funny commands that shows random content like !yn (shows a random reponse : yes , no and maybe , !love and !hate(shows a random percent of hate , love) and many other commands
Games Commands : it contains mini games like !calculate (you have to calculate the operation) , !flags (you have to type the region’s name when u see its flag) , !capitals ( you have to type the region’s capital name ) and many other commands
Public Commands : it contains commands that any one can use it like !avatar command to show someone’s avatar or your avatar or the avatar of the guild , !help to show the bot’s commands , !support to get the support server link , !invite to get the bot’s invite link , !ping to see the bot’s ping and !devs to see informations about the bot’s developers
To check the bot commands , type !help on your server
If you have any question , you can contact our support team on our support server