deleted_user_0170621c0fb0 Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user_0170621c0fb0 Discord Bot

Invite SlayBot to your server and enjoy its multifunctional commands. Get the best out of SlayBot Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in December

deleted_user_0170621c0fb0 Discord Bot Described:

SlayBot is a cool multifunctional Discord bot.
SlayBot is made with ❤ by GhostSlayer

SlayBot is a cool multipurpose Discord bot. Anti-Invites, welcomes and farewells, funny commands. +100 commands.

  • Anti Invites

SlayBot has a module which removes all invitation links. More information of the anti invites system.

  • Anti Links

SlayBot has a module which removes all links that are sent. More information of the anti links system.

  • Custom Commands

SlayBot has a module which you can use to make custom commands! More information of the custom commands system.

  • Welcome & Farewells

SlayBot has a Welcome & Farewell module which sends a message when someone joins your server and leaves your server. More information of the welcome system (WIP). More information of the farewell system (WIP).


You can check SlayBot’s commands by running the !help command


We have a wiki to make SlayBot easier to use! You can check our wiki by clicking here


SlayBot has a blog too! We update some news there sometimes, but not often. You can check our blog by clicking here


Is SlayBot not online or responding? We may have some issues, check our statuspage!

Discord Server

SlayBot has an official Discord server, where you can get support and see the latest updates of SlayBot!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user_0170621c0fb0 Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user_0170621c0fb0 to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user_0170621c0fb0 Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ! or @mention
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Slayer#3102