Smooth Criminal (s!) Discord Bot Logo

Smooth Criminal (s!) Discord Bot

Invite Smooth Criminal Bot to your server and enjoy its multipurpose Michael Jackson commands, lyrics and random facts. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in September

Smooth Criminal (s!) Discord Bot Described:

A multipurpose Michael Jackson bot that plays his songs in VC, sends the lyrics in chat and also sends random facts about MJ and his songs upon request.

Smooth Criminal:

A fan made Michael Jackson bot.


1 Plays Michael Jackson’s songs in VC

2 Sends the full lyrics of the song requested

3 Sends YouTube links for the music video of the requested song

4 Sends random Michael Jackson facts


1 s!songname - plays the requested song in VC and sends its lyrics in chat

2 s!trivia - sends a random fact about Michael Jackson and his songs

3 s!help - displays a full list of commands

4 s!ping - displays the bot’s ping in milliseconds

Do you have a Michael Jackson song in mind? Well, Smooth Criminal probably has it in its library

Invite it and play your favourite Michael Jackson songs today.

This is my second Discord bot. I plan to add every single Michael Jackson song to it eventually.

The trivia command shall also feature an extensive list of facts in time

This bot has been coded entirely by me using

The bot is hosted on Heroku.

It’s ping is around 100ms or less depending on where you live.

The bot is hosted in Europe.

I accept suggestions for commands related to the general topic of the bot @peaguy#8933

The songs are pre downloaded and are directly streamed in order to prevent waiting time between using a command and the beginning of song playback.

The goal of my bot is to be accessible to as many people as possible and to garner new interest in Michael Jackson’s songs.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Smooth Criminal (s!) Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Smooth Criminal (s!) to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Smooth Criminal (s!) Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: s!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: peaguy#8933