SorinoRPG is a new bot on discord that brightens up any server.
It is an RPG that allows you to collect different “Sorino”,
coins, level up, and battle it out with other members of the server.
You can find more information on how to play on the bot website!
We believe SorinoRPG is great because it allows you to play
with characters you have never seen before. The game is
constantly updated with user-requested features and new Sorino
and gamemodes. Each weekly update will have a software patch, 2
new Sorino added and a user-requested feature. Every Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn, there is a huge release,
jampacked with new Sorino, gamemodes and user rewards.
- 30+ unique Sorino
- Use Sorino to fight with others
- Search for coins
- Search for Sorino to collect
- Rank up your profile
- Open Wraps
- Much more coming soon!
Sends a message containing all useful information
Creates an account This is required to start playing SorinoRPG
Let’s you view your account details like coins, Sorino, etc
Let’s you view your Rank, mention someone to compare ranks
Searches for a Sorino or Coins
Shows you the Wraps you can buy
Buy a standard Wrap
Buy a premium Wrap
Buy a champions Wrap
Change the prefix, if I wanted to change it to !p
it would be .Q !p
. This command requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES
To start a fight you must enter:.FSTART @mention
Note: You must always mention the person you are fighting with throughout the fight.
To choose the Sorino you would like, enter .FSORINO @mention
, if I wanted to use Calkanor for example, I would enter .FCalkanor @mention
To choose a move, enter .FMOVE @mention
, if I wanted to use Scratch, I would enter .FScratch @mention
You can end the fight anytime you wish with the command .FEND @mention
- You earn more coins from fights the higher your level
- You can’t catch certain Sorino if you are below certain levels
- Updates come out weekly with small new features and bug fixes, bigger updates come out in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, check out this site to keep track!
Contact Manny#6363 or go to this server for help!
Save up those coins for the Spring update!