Logo for The Best Music Bot

Upvote The Best Music Bot

A Music Bot that will continually play even if no one is in the channel.

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This Bot will not leave voice channels automatically, it will continually play even if no-one is in the channel


!nowplaying - shows the song that is currently playing

!play <title|URL|subcommand> - plays the provided song

!playlists - shows the available playlists

!queue - shows the current queue

!remove <position|ALL> - removes a song from the queue

!search - searches Youtube for a provided query

!scsearch - searches Soundcloud for a provided query

!shuffle - shuffles songs you have added

!skip - votes to skip the current song

!setdj <rolename|NONE> - sets the DJ role for certain music commands

!settc <channel|NONE> - sets the text channel for music commands

!setvc <channel|NONE> - sets the voice channel for playing music

!stop - stops playing and leaves channel

For support, please contact the developer on discord (XD#9124) or join the support discord

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.