The Hoganator 3000 is a completely free, easy to use bot that makes moderating your server efficient and enjoyable.
Prefix: h!
Command list:
Moderation (Server):
h!ban [member] [reason] - Bans specified member from the server.
h!kick [member] [reason] - Kicks specified member from the sever.
h!leave - The Hoganator leaves the server, deleting all channels and roles it created. A lot easier than kicking the bot.
h!mute [member] - Removes specified member’s ability to send messages in chat until they are unmuted.
h!unmute [member] - Unmutes specified member.
h!warn [member] [reason] - Sends a warning with specified reason to a member.
Moderation (Messages):
h!ban_word [word] - Bans specified word from the server. Must have manage server permission. Alias: bwd [word]
h!banned_words - Lists all banned words for the server. Alias: bwds
h!clean - Clears the bots commands from chat.
h!purge [x] - Deletes x most recent messages from a channel.
h!purge_bots - Deletes messages sent by bots in a channel.
h!purge_user [user] - Deletes messages sent by the specified user in a channel.
h!unban_word [word] - Unbans specified word from the server. Must have manage server permission. Alias: ubwd [word]
h!8ball [question] - Calls upon the magic 8-ball to answer a question.
h!dice [x] - Rolls an x-sided die.
h!flex - Hoganator flexes for you.
h!flip - Flip a coin.
h!rps [choice] - Play rock-paper-scissors with the bot.
h!quote - A random Hulk Hogan quote.
h!help - DMs a more detailed list of commands to you.
h!info [member] - Sends a message with basic information about a member.
h!membercount - Sends the number of members currently in the server.
h!pfp [member] - Sends a member’s avatar as an image.
h!ping - Sends the bot’s latency in milliseconds.
h!poll ‘question’ ‘[options]’ - Create a poll with up to 5 options.
Other features:
-Track basic member and server info.
-Allowing members to select a color by reacting to a message.
-Send a message when a member joins or leaves the server.
-Filter server messages based on user-defined banned words.
Features in the works:
-Server Logs
-Social commands