#support : Give a link to join the support server.
#invite : Give a link to invite the bot.</li>
#github : Give the github link of the owner from the bot
#play (Url/Query) : Search on youtube and play the music.
#search (Query) : Search a song on youtube.
#nowplaying : Display data about the current song.
#join : Add the bot to your voice channel.
#leave : Remove the bot of your voice channel.
#pause : Pause the current song.
#resume : Resume the current song.
#volume 0-100 : Change the bot’s volume.
#queue : Display the queue.
#shuffle : Shuffle the queue.
#move IndexFrom IndexTo : Move a song in the queue.
#remove Index : Remove the song with its index.
#removedupes : Remove all duplicates song from the queue.
#leavecleanup : Remove absent user’s songs from the queue.
#clear : Clear the queue.
#replay : Replay the current song.
#reload : Reload the current song.
#loop : Enable or disable the loop mode.
#loopqueue : Enable or disable the loop queue mode.
#playlist add Url : Add a track to your playlist.
#playlist remove Index : Remove a track to your playlist.
#playlist display : Display playlist’s songs.
#playlist load : Add the whole playlist to the queue.
#stats : Display the bot’s stats.
#purge : Purges the chat messages.