Tic Tac Toe Commands & Descriptions
t!game create - Starts a new game, will return if there’s an active game going on
t!game cancel - Cancels any current game going on in the server
t!setchannel - Makes tic tac toe games exclusive to the first channel you tag
t!setchannel all - Allows games to be played in all channels
t!prefix - Sets a customizable prefix for the server. Default is “t!”
t!delete - Removes a user and their information from the database
t!clear - Removes a servers information from the database (Admin only)
t!ready - Enters you into a game, if there’s one about to start in the server
t!help - Sends a list of the commands for the bot
Coming Soon - Server & global leaderboards
Support Server - https://discord.gg/mUqTgvU