deleted_user_2b173151b080 Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user_2b173151b080 Discord Bot

Invite Topics Bot to your server and use its helpful commands to revive your server chats. Get started with Topics Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

deleted_user_2b173151b080 Discord Bot Described:

Topics is a helpful bot that allows you to revive your servers chats.

Topics is a helpful bot that allows you to revive your servers chats. Powered by a custom-built API, the bot will randomly generate different topics for your community members to talk about. We add new topics daily to ensure there is always a big variety. The prefix is customizable, so that it doesn’t interact with any of your other bots.

Current Commands:

-topic - Generate a random topic (10s Cooldown)
-help - View the help for Topics bot.
-prefix (newprefix) - Change the prefix for your current server.

Planned Commands:

-invite - Generate an invite for the bot.
-support - Visit our support server.
-partners - View our partners.
-blacklist (user) - Blacklists the user from using Topics in your server.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user_2b173151b080 Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user_2b173151b080 to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user_2b173151b080 Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: - (changeable)
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: DawsonCodes#0001