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A yahtzee bot with multiplayer options

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x3r Yahtzee discord bot

Bot prefix is =. To get started use =start, this will create your account.
If you don’t know the rules you can check =help, it will link to a external resources with the rules and a video for a more detailed explanation.

To play a game of yathzee use =play or =yahtzee. To start a game with a friend just mention that person =play @username. The second player is not required to have a account for this bot.
At the moment only 2 players is supported, but im planning to bump the max to 4 players.

After each roll you have to select dices you want to keep. You can do that by entering the numbers on the dices. For example, if you roll 15326, you enter 1 2 3 to keep those dices, the other 2 will be rerolled.
You can enter 0 to discard all dices or stop to skip rerolling so you can fill in a score.

If you want a emoji based game you can use =yaht

If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to say hi, feel free to join the support server.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.