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The #1 Twitch bot for Discord. Stream notifications, streams in voice chat, random clips, game stats, simple moderation, and more.

Back to Streamcord

To view general information on Streamcord, type twitch help. To view commands, type twitch commands.

Easily access Twitch from Discord

View details and stats from your favorite streamers on Twitch. Get current view and stream status, current game, and a preview of the stream.

Listen in voice chat

You can listen to any live Twitch stream in voice chat with all of your friends with nearly seamless audio quality.

Get notified when channels go live

Get an in-chat notification when your favorite streamers go live with a single command. Just specify the channel you want the notification in, and the streamer you want.

Get the top highlights and clips

Search Twitch’s wide selection of clips recorded by tons of users. Search by trending, a certain game, or a Twitch streamer.

Give live users in your server something extra

Configure Streamcord to give users who are streaming on Twitch a configurable role to show others their special status and interest them in their stream.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.