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A free high quality radio station based on discord playing non-stop music!

Back to yeet.xm

You ever wanted to listen to a radio station but only on Discord? Well yeet.xm is your answer! yeet.xm acts exactly like a radio station, playing back your favourite tunes for free!

Bot Features
  • Free High Quality Audio
  • Open Source
  • Dashboard Coming Soon
  • Easy to Use
  • Active Development
  • Major Update coming soon

Command List

y.join - Joins the voice channel and starts playing music.

y.leave - Leaves the voice channel and stops playing music.

y.np - Tells you the current song playing.


y.tip - Tells you a random tip.

y.invite - Gives you the invite link for the bot.

y.info - Shows basic information about the bot and statistics.

y.help - Sends a message with all of the commands.

Basics of How to Use the Bot
  1. Invite the bot to your server.
  2. Make sure the bot has the right permissions.
  3. Join a voice channel which the bot can also join and type y.join .
  4. Enjoy listening to yeet.xm.
  5. If you had enough of jamming out for one day, do y.leave and it’ll leave the voice channel.

Permissions Required for Basic Usage

Manage Channels - To Create a Stream Channel if needed

Send Messages - To send messages

Attach Files - To send the artwork for y.np

Add Reactions - No usage for it yet but future usage is still being decided

Speak - To playback audio within a voice channel

Read Messages - To read the commands you place within a text channel

Embed Links - To display embeds

Read Message History - No usage for it yet but future usage is still being decided

Connect - To connect to a voice channel

Use External Emojis - No usage for it yet but future usage is still being decided

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.