-Use the category below to show help commands:
vi!Botinfo - Show my bot status
vi!Userinfo - Show your user status
vi!Serverinfo - Show the server status
vi!Invbot - Invite my bot from your server
vi!Invite - Invite to join my server
vi!Ping - Check Ping status on my Bot
vi!Guild - Check my BOT for servers.
vi!Kick - Kick a user!
vi!Ban - Ban a user!
vi!Mute - Mute a user!
vi!Clear - Clear the message
vi!Purge - Same… Clear the message lol
vi!Unban - You can unban some user was banned.
vi!Logs - Show the Log to set up.
vi!Clear - Clear the Messages.
[ FUN ]
vi!Hug - Hug some user when you want.
vi!Slap - Slap a user! UwU
vi!Kiss - Kiss a user! ^//3//^
vi!Healing - Healing a user to hear Zelda
vi!Math - Start the mathematic from Baldi!
vi!Coinflip - Flip a coin! (Head or Tails)
vi!Invert - You can invert some user to show the Image in Negative
vi!Meter - A meter when you rate it.
vi!Play - Playing a music bot on vocal
vi!Loop - Loop when playing
vi!Stop - Stop an music!
vi!Queue - Show the Music
vi!Resume - When pause an music, resume
vi!Pause - Pause a music
vi!Skip - Skip a music!
vi!Volume - You can change the Volume of music
vi!NP - Show Nowplaying on the music
vi!Donate - Donate my BOT
vi!Vote - Vote my BOT