Tickety has been offline for a few times now, and some people are getting sick of it. That’s why I have partnerd up with RoyaleHosting to create a ticket bot that everyone can use!
RoyaleTickets commands:
-new - Make/Create a ticket
-close - Close a ticket
-add <User ID> - Add someone to a ticket. (You need the UserID)
Server Managers (MANAGE_SERVER):
-setticketmessage - Change the message you get when someone opens a ticket
-setrole <@Support_Role> - Change the support role on your server
-setopen <true/false> - Enable or disable tickets
-setlog <#Text-Channel> - Set’s the channel where all tickets will be logged
-setcolor <#HEX_VALUE/RGB/Color> - Enable or disable tickets
Developer Commands:
-blacklist <@Mention> - Blacklist a user from making tickets