aboveBOT Discord Bot Logo

aboveBOT Discord Bot


Full aboveBOT Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in April

aboveBOT Discord Bot Described:

aboveBOT is a simple and advanced bot for moderation, logging, music, fun, and more.
aboveBOT aboveBOT's avatar

Meet aboveBOT

Control your server with easy to use commands for warning, banning, and kicking.


Get reports from moderation commands, and also when messages are edited or deleted.


Play songs from YouTube to a voice channel in your server.


Get access to Wikipedia, news, weather, dictionary, and create polls in your server.


Play mini-games right in your server. Currently supports rock paper scissors and tic tac toe.

a! report <user>
Reports a user to a moderator. Replace <user> with a user mention.
a! warn <user>
Warns a user, and gives them the warning role. Replace <user> with a user mention.
a! unwarn <user>
Removes a warning from a user, and removes the warning role. Replace <user> with a user mention.
a! purge <message>
Purges a channel. Replace <messages> with the number of messages to be deleted. Can only delete 100 messages at a time, and only message that are less than 14 days old.
a! kick <user>
Kicks a user from the server. Replace <user> with a user mention.
a! ban <user>
Bans a user from the server. Replace <user> with a user mention.
a! weather <location>
Finds the weather for a location. Replace <location> with a city/town.
a! word <word>
Searches the dictionary for a word. Replace <article> with the name of the article you want to search.
a! wiki <article>
Searches Wikipedia for an article. Replace <word> with the word you want to search.
a! news <category>
Gets a trending news summary. Replace <category> with a cateogry (tech,science,etc.)
a! poll <title>
Creates a simple poll. Replace <title> with the title. I will add three options, Yes, No, and Thinking.
a! poll advanced ‘<title>’ <length> <option> <option>
Creates an advanced poll. Replace <title> with the title, <length> with the length in seconds, and list up to 10 options.
a! play <title>
Plays a song from YouTube. Replace <title> with a video title or link. If title is blank, it will resume a paused song. If a song is playing, it will add it to the queue.
a! pause
Pauses a playing song.
a! resume
Play a paused song.
a! skip
Skips a song.
a! stop
Stops playing music, and disconnects from the channel.
a! rps
Starts a game of rock paper scissors. Once all the reactions are loaded, pick one to select your move.
a! ttt
Starts a game of tic tac toe. Once all the reactions are loaded, start picking moves. The arrows are the location on the board.
a! ttt <user>
Starts a game of tic tac toe with another user. Replace <user> with a mention. Once all the reactions are loaded, take turns picking moves. The arrows are the location on the board.
a! settings
This views the current settings.
a! settings logging <option>
Sets if logging is on or off. Replace <option> with on so logging is on, otherwise, set it to off.
a! settings logging mod <name>
Sets the channel for moderation logs. Replace <name> with the channel name without the #.
a! settings logging message <name>
Sets the channel for message logs. Replace <name> with the channel name without the #.
a! settings warn role <name>
Sets the role to be given when a user is warned. Replace <name> with the role name without the @.
a! settings ignore channel <name>
Sets the channel to be ignored by spam and banned word protection. Replace <name> with the channel name without the #.
a! settings poll <option>
Sets if anyone can make a poll. Replace <option> with off so only admin can make a poll, otherwise, set it to on.
a! settings spam <option>
Sets if spam protection is on or off. Replace <option> with on so spam protection is on, otherwise, set it to off.
a! settings word <option>
Sets if banned word protection is on or off. Replace <option> with on so spam protection is on, otherwise, set it to off.
a! settings word add <word>
Adds a word to the banned word list. Replace <word> with the word you want to add.
a! settings word remove <word>
Removes a word to the banned word list. Replace <word> with the word you want to remove.
a! invite
Invite me to your server!
a! feedback <message>
Send feedback to my creator, Mist. Replace <message> with your message. This can be bugs, feature requests, etc.
a! changelog
View my changelog.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add aboveBOT Discord Bot to my server?

You can add aboveBOT to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add aboveBOT Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: a!
Servers: 27
Users: unknown
Created by: Mist#1493
Short link: discord.ly/abovebot
