Logo for Grode Generator

Upvote Grode Generator

AC08 is a discord bot used for safe accounts distribution.

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Item management
g!item add <name> <attachement.txt> - Add an item to the stock
g!item remove <name> - Remove an item from the stock
g!item clear <name> - Clear all accounts of an item
g!generate <name> - Generate an item
g!stock - Show the stock
g!drop <name> [count] - Drop random line from an item
g!load - Show how much server accounts are loaded

g!premium - Show premium informations & features
g!giveaway <time> <winner count> <prize> - Start an giveaway
g!giveawayend - End active giveaway

Access management
g!access add <role/channel> - Add a role or a channel to the list of roles or channels that can use the commands
g!access remove <role/channel> - Remove a role or a channel from the list of roles or channels that can use the commands

g!help - Show this message
g!prefix <prefix> - Change default prefix

You can join in our support server if you have suggestions or bugs.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.