bot that tracks time activity in a discord server allowing the ability to see who has been active and not active in the server. only bot of its kind to be verified by discord currentally in over 100 servers, uses the activity from entering voice chats and text channels to assign roles an active role and an inactive role set in setup section uses server activity with the set timer limit to assign role inactive. bot role must be placed above the roles that its going to give and have full perms to allow adding and removing roles in the server has numerous commands setup, stats, reset, version, view-config, help
setup, sets up the server for using the bot
stats, shows status of the bot uptime and server count
reset, resets the setup of the server back to not setup
version, sends back version of the bot at the current time
view-config, shows settings of the configured server times set roles assigned
Help, views different commands that can be used