ban @user [reason] -Ban a member from the server
unban userid -Uban innocent members
kick @user [reason]-Kick their ass out of server
clear [amount] -Purge messages in the certain channel…
nickname @user [new nickname] - Sets the nickname of the user
rate @user or {anything} -Rates anything you want
slot -Rolls the slot machine
hotcalc @user -Returns random percentage how hot the user is
dice -rolls a dice
coinflip -flip a coin
groot- who…who are you?
sendembed -Sends a emebed message
quickpoll {question} | {option} | {option} - Starts a quick poll
poll {question} - Start a poll with options yes or no
roll {number1} {number2}- Rolls a random number between number1 and number2
info @user - Shows the information of the user
giveaway - start a quick simple giveaway [Admin Only]
winner (#channel id) (Message id) - choose a random winner from all users who reacted to the emote [Admin Only]
avatar @user -Shows the avatar of the user
meme - Sends random top meme for r/memes