Actually Bot Discord Bot Logo

Actually Discord Bot

Invite Bot to your server and enjoy its fun and moderation commands. Learn how to use Bot with its guide and commands. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in December

Actually Discord Bot Described:

A simple fun and moderation bot created for learning purpose. Will add more features as I learn :)

ban @user [reason] -Ban a member from the server
unban userid -Uban innocent members
kick @user [reason]-Kick their ass out of server
clear [amount] -Purge messages in the certain channel…
nickname @user [new nickname] - Sets the nickname of the user

rate @user or {anything} -Rates anything you want
slot -Rolls the slot machine
hotcalc @user -Returns random percentage how hot the user is
dice -rolls a dice
coinflip -flip a coin
groot- who…who are you?
sendembed -Sends a emebed message
quickpoll {question} | {option} | {option} - Starts a quick poll
poll {question} - Start a poll with options yes or no
roll {number1} {number2}- Rolls a random number between number1 and number2
info @user - Shows the information of the user
giveaway - start a quick simple giveaway [Admin Only]
winner (#channel id) (Message id) - choose a random winner from all users who reacted to the emote [Admin Only]
avatar @user -Shows the avatar of the user
meme - Sends random top meme for r/memes

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Actually Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Actually to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Actually Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ab
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: prince7990#0
