Logo for Aeeroo

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Hi! My name is Aeeroo Techno. I have featured with Music, Utility, Fun, Moderation, Economy and other command!

Back to Aeeroo
This is all my command. You can use this bot on your server. My global prefix is ]

help | ping | stats | botinfo | vote | invite | web
+> Utility
userinfo | serverinfo | avatar | google | weather | instagram | mail | roleinfo | cowsay | time | today | el | serverrole | avaserver | membercount | serverw | remindme
purge | ban| lockdown | kick
+> Fun
Cat | 8ball | Gif | Dog | smoke | pizza | say | ascii | gay | hug | wwe | meme | quiz
play | pause | skip | stop | loop
+> Economy
daily | balance | work | mine | profile | setstatus | delstatus
+>Setting(Waiting Fixxed)
reboot | eval | exec | reload | cserver```
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